أحدث الأخبار
الصحافة الخضراء
بالفيديو: تأثيرات مرعبة لتدخين السجائر العادية مقارنة بالإلكترونية
Our new short film shows how the toxic chemicals and tar inhaled by an average smoker in just one month compare with not smoking, or using an e-cigarette. #HealthHarms #Smokefree pic.twitter.com/8pV3c6UT8g— Public Health England (@PHE_uk) December 28, 2018
Our new short film shows how the toxic chemicals and tar inhaled by an average smoker in just one month compare with not smoking, or using an e-cigarette. #HealthHarms #Smokefree pic.twitter.com/8pV3c6UT8g
E-cigarettes have helped thousands of people in the UK successfully quit smoking. Yet 44% smokers either wrongly believe vaping is as harmful as smoking or don’t know that vaping poses much lower risks to health. #HealthHarms #Smokefree pic.twitter.com/LXd6kFUWGg— Public Health England (@PHE_uk) December 28, 2018
E-cigarettes have helped thousands of people in the UK successfully quit smoking. Yet 44% smokers either wrongly believe vaping is as harmful as smoking or don’t know that vaping poses much lower risks to health. #HealthHarms #Smokefree pic.twitter.com/LXd6kFUWGg