مقالات وأراء

Great show by Heather Massie in Cairo Egypt

2022 أيلول 17
مقالات وأراء


Great show by Heather Massie in Cairo Egypt

Written by

Samuel Nabil Adib & Sherri Schawo

Heather Massie touched Egyptian's souls with her charming smile and great, lovely personality which affected the Egyptian crowd as she performed her play at Cairo Days International Monodrama

In Egypt.

The audience stays for a 10 minutes Question & Answer session that immediately followed the performance.

Afterwards she spent an hour taking photos with the audience who came all the way from sudan and other african to attend her play.

She was honored at the festival with a special award from the jury for her efforts in training.

She grabbed the spotlight on stage thanks to her elegant dress and her charming smile.

The celebration was attended by a very large number of dignitaries, ambassadors of Macedonia, Albania and Kosovo, who attended the ceremony. The celebration was also attended by many senior Egyptian, Arab and African representatives and Egyptian statesmen.

Heather Massie, well known for her performances on stage and screen is an award winning actress, writer and producer. She is currently starring in the one woman show “HEDY! The Life & Inventions of Hedy Lamarr”

which she wrote.

Because she studied Astrophysics at the University of Virginia, it is only fitting that this brilliant actress combined her passion for science and acting when she wrote

“HEDY! The Life & Inventions of Hedy Lamarr”

Raised in Blacksburg Virginia, Ms. Massie graduated Summa Cum Laude from the Virginia Tech School of the Arts.

As a young child, Ms. Massie wanted to be an astronaut. She began studying Astrophysics but soon discovered her passion and talent for acting when she took a break from studies to take an acting class.

In addition to

“HEDY! The Life & Inventions of Hedy Lamarr”

Ms. Massie is writing two other plays about women with major contributions to science, technology and engineering.

Her next solo show in this trilogy celebrating women in science is "Flying with Sally Ride! America's First Woman in Space"

Ms. Massie’s mission is “To inspire audiences to find ways each day to make the world a better place. To encourage young women in endeavors of science and technology.To establish Hedy Lamar as a role model for intelligence, ingenuity & invention”. To bring this mission to life, Ms. Massie conducts community engagement and outreach programs after each performance. This program includes workshops for both young scientists and performing artists.

She also has some advice “…do something that you love to do, and that is close to your heart and to your love for life….”

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